Monday, November 16, 2015

Three Steps to stop Asthma - typical asthma remedies

 Cut Away Illustration of Asthma
Even if you seem to be pretty healthy today, there's a good chance that inflammation is simmering in your body, quietly damaging your heart, your mind and other tissues. Inflammation is the leading cause of asthma today and some 300 million people currently suffer from asthma. Natural asthma remedies can help reduce inflammation.

Inflammation is a normal process that can go dreadfully wrong. It is supposed to protect us from infections and promote healing when we are injured. Yet chronic inflammation does just the opposite: it breaks down our bodies and makes us more susceptible to disease. Conventional medicine reduces the symptoms of inflammation but doesn't get to the root cause of asthma.
Sheila, my sister, had suffered from asthma since she was ten. She was allergic to dust, grasses, smoke, perfumes, wool, and some cosmetics. Within a few years of her asthma diagnosis, Sheila was taking a variety of prescription drugs: oral and nasal, a bronchodilator, antibiotics and other medications. She began to feel addicted to her asthma drugs and was afraid to be without them.
Her asthma was related to and aggravated by her allergies, and Sheila found herself taking increasingly stronger medications. At age forty, she consulted with a holistic physician. He recommended she try natural asthma remedies to reduce her the inflammation that was causing her asthma symptoms. Two months after Sheila started taking natural asthma remedies, she had a new vitality and higher energy levels. Over the next year or so, she was able to stop using all of her medications.
The causes of inflammation are often related to dietary imbalances or deficiencies. Your immune system is working overtime to remove any foreign allergens from your system which causes an allergic inflammatory reaction.
Inflammation triggers are the events that precipitate a specific inflammatory response after the body is already primed for an overreaction. Although it is not the same as correcting the causes of inflammation, it is essential to avoid events that trigger inflammation. Doing so helps settle down an agitated immune system.
More people are turning to Natural asthma remedies because they are safe and effective for reducing inflammation without all the side effects.
Natural asthma remedies:

1, Try to reduce your exposure to inflammation triggers. If you have food allergies, make a point of avoiding troublesome foods.
2, It is important to stay away from triggers such as chemicals, pollen etc. to allow your immune system to normalize. Switch your home to natural chemical free cleaning products.
3, Eat a more wholesome diet and take fish oil supplements and supplement with vitamins.
You have the power to transform your health. Natural asthma remedies such as diet, supplements and removing inflammation triggers can get to the root cause of asthma.

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